Kanakchauri can be reached easily via road from Rudraprayag and Chopta. There are number of buses from Haridwar and Rishikesh.
From Rudraprayag: Best way to reach Mayadeep Kanakchauri is to take jeep from Rudraprayag. There are number of shared jeeps available from Rudraprayag. Shared jeeps takes around Rs 50 from Rudraprayag to Kanakchauri. There are also buses to Pokhri via Kanakchauri from Rudraprayag. But buses are not regular and you need to wait for them. So jeeps are the best options to reach here.
Note: It takes less than 2 hours to reach Kanakchauri from Rudraprayag. The road route to Kanakchauri from Rudraprayag is extremely scenic with view of snow clad Himalayas and valley views.
Route from Delhi (NCR): Delhi – Meerut – Haridwar – Rishikesh – Devprayag – Rudraprayag – Saterakhal – Dursasar – Khadpatia – Ghimtoli – Kanakchauri
While coming from Chopta, Ukhimath or Kedarnath: You can take shared jeep from Chandrapuri to reach Kanakchauri, from there there is a trek of 3 kms to Kartikswami temple.
Delhi to Kanakchauri | 405 Kms |
Haridwar to Kanakchauri | 205 Kms |
Rishikesh to Kanakchauri | 175 Kms |
Dehradun to Kanakchauri | 220 Kms |
Devprayag to Kanakchauri | 105 Kms |
Rudraprayag to Kanakchauri | 40 Kms |
Chamoli to Kanakchauri | 110 Kms |
Joshimath to Kanakchauri | 170 kms |
Chopta to Kanakchauri(via Syalsaur) | 80 Kms |
There is only one hotel in Kanakchauri, which offers stay in bamboo wooden huts. The hotel offers basic facilities with modern amenities.